
撰写 & 由SJE创建 & 杜对话

社区+价值观 believes that our work as a community is best carried through deep 和 authentic partnerships with people 和 organizations across campus. 这些非凡的合作伙伴之一是 SJE & 杜对话. 通过他们的努力,这一页 presents how to 分享,创建, 连接 with others for difficult conversations.




提供困难对话的资源是多么艰巨的任务啊. 我们一直在与人交谈,但我们真的有对话吗?

We wanted to establish a theme that touched on the story of dialogue - whether the conversation is easy, 休闲, 或具有挑战性的. 我们将其归结为: 分享,创建, 连接

  • 演讲的泡沫



  • 灯泡图标



  • 拼图图标


    这, 反过来, sets the stage for deeper levels of 连接ion 和 growth for individuals 和 groups alike.

所有的内容, 选择的视觉效果, questions below were intentionally chosen 和 carefully crafted by Social Justice Education (SJE) in Student Affairs & 包容的卓越. 当你读的时候, 我们希望它们能激发新的分享方式, 创建, 在你们的对话中建立联系. 对内容有问题吗? 联系Neda Kikhia igr@31hi.com



在这场深刻的演讲中, 天蓝色Headlee, 做了几十年的电台主持人, 分享10条有效的对话规则.

对成功谈话的要素感兴趣? 看看这个视频,然后考虑下面的问题. 

    天蓝色Headlee | 10种让谈话更愉快的方法 



    • “谈话需要在说和听之间取得平衡."  Reflect on the conversations you were a part of throughout today: do you feel the balance between talking 和 listening was met? 如果不是, what are some ways you or others can get closer to achieving that balance in future conversations?
    • Which of the ways that Celeste mentioned are you most likely to implement in your own life, why?




    这 video is a conversation between students 和 their teacher discussing the important tenets of social justice. 他们深入了解自己的特权, minoritized身份, 以及他们为社区创造改变的角色. Students were able to reflect on how they can incorporate the conversations into their daily lives. 


    • 为什么创造与年轻人对话的空间很重要?  
    • 这样的对话怎么能建立社区和信任呢? 
    • 为什么 should conversations about social justice be 和 include individuals with privilege?


    bren Brown谈同理心

    Acclaimed researcher 和 author Brene Brown concisely 和 warmly distinguishes between empathy 和 sympathy 和 describes how to respond with genuineness in the face of stressful conversations.


    • What are the dangers of "silver lining” hardships that others share with us in conversation?
    • Which quality of empathy do you believe is most important to utilize when navigating difficult discussions?



    Acclaimed Nigerian author 和 speaker Chimam和a Ngozi Adichie speaks in her 2009 Ted Talk about the negative impacts of stereotyping, 歧视, 她所说的“单一故事”. 在这次演讲中, Adichie speaks to her own experience migrating to the United States for college 和 连接s to her experiences living in Nigeria.


    • Adichie说的单身故事是什么意思?
    • 我们如何才能围绕导致单一故事的内隐偏见建立意识?
    • How do media 和 other sources of information play a role in depicting a single story?





    有压力的谈话从来都不容易, but we can all fare better if we prepare for them by developing greater awareness of our vulnerabilities 和 better techniques for h和ling ourselves. The advice 和 tools described in this article can be helpful in unilaterally reducing the strain in stressful conversations.


    • Reflect on a time when you experienced an emotional or physical response while participating in a stressful conversation. 当这些感觉出现时,你是如何反应的? 
    • Think of a stressful conversation you may be avoiding in your life right now – which approaches would you consider using after reading this article?
    • 回想一下当一个朋友, 家庭成员, 同事, 或者陌生人对紧张的谈话做出建设性的回应. 他们的方法是什么,你为什么欣赏它?





    Every element of a difficult conversation has the potential to give us anxiety: contemplating the conversation before it even arrives, 对话本身, the consequences following the conversation are all anxiety producing scenarios. 然而, learning how to prepare for such conversations can decrease our anxiety 和 increase the likelihood of the conversation going productively.


    • 你对哪项准备技能有信心? 你想学习哪项技能? 
    • Are some conversations inherently harder to prepare for than others, or does it depend? 为什么?




    布莱恩Arao & 克里斯蒂·克莱门斯,《yzcca88游戏登录网址》

    本章摘自 有效促进的艺术, 挑战为社会正义教育创造“安全空间”的概念, 并鼓励辅导员和教育者努力创造勇敢的 空间.” The catalyst for this transition was the dis连接 that students 和 participants felt between what they believed to be “safe” 和 how social justice conversations actually occurred. 另外, the term “勇敢的” touches on the challenges 和 risk that is inherently built into conversations about race, 身份, 权力或特权. The authors provide a case study to exemplify their argument 和 propose suggestions for reframing these conversations to be more productive 和 promote greater authenticity among participants.


    • 本文鼓励促进者和参与者“选择挑战”.” That is, individuals can choose to what extent they participate in the conversation. 记住这一点, consider the following question: what may be limiting you from challenging yourself to share, 探索, 或者在与他人讨论时理解? 
    • How does your response to the previous question help you conceptualize the term “勇敢的?"

    *图像 来自 InfoQ



    • 弥合差异图标


      由大善科学中心设计, the Bridging Differences Playbook serves as a useful resource to help people engage in healthy conversation. 通过概述一系列人际关系的技巧和策略, 人际关系, 分组级别, 可以把这本剧本看作是促进更大对话的配套指南, 的关系, 了解我们与谁互动. 


      • 弥合分歧的要求之一是表现出谦虚和谦逊. That is, “accepting that you don’t have all the answers or a monopoly on the truth.记住这句话, 个人偏见是什么, 感知, 或者那些可能会限制你弥合分歧能力的观点? 
      • 剧本还指出,“桥接包括内心的努力,而不仅仅是行动。.他说:“我们必须自己完成桥梁建设所需的许多工作, 并在随后的对话中有所贡献, 我们与他人的姿势和关系,或者我们希望与他人的关系. 为了弥合分歧,你在做什么内心的工作? 你想做什么样的内在工作?
    • Brene Brown图标

      bren Brown:解锁我们

      bren分享了她对为什么问责制是变革的先决条件的看法, why we need to get our heads 和 hearts around the difference between being held accountable for racism 和 feeling shame 和 being shamed. She shares her personal stories of being held accountable 和 holding herself accountable, as well as strategies for pulling her “thinking brain” back online when experiencing the flight 和 fight energy fueled by shame. 


      • Reflect on an experience you had with shame – what were your physical, emotional reactions?
      • 在你的日常生活中, how can you utilize Brown’s “transform 和 roll out” approach when experiencing moments of shame? 


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